Have you ever wanted to learn something new? Have you ever been frustrated by the slow progress of trial and error in a new endeavor? Or have ever been looking for shortcuts to make something work much faster? Then this is for you. What is modeling? Modeling basically means taking someone (or something) as a […]
Archive | Habits
Addicted to Facebook? Cure yourself with these tools and regain control of your time
Have you ever consciously asked yourself… How much time per week do you spend on Facebook? What percentage of the content on Facebook is really relevant to your life – meaning it makes you happy, is informative or brings you interesting updates from people you care about? How happy does checking Facebook make you? When […]
How to create one extra hour per day for doing what matters
Is there a thing in your life that you really want to spend more time on but you don’t? Like working on a business idea on the side, picking up that forgotten hobby of yours, working out, or spending more quality time with your family? Let me guess: the problem is that you just don’t […]
Crunchy strategies and tactics for implementing new habits in your life
Dear readers, last week I told you about habits and how they work. Did you take the time to think about your own habits? If not, why don’t you do it now? It only takes 10 minutes. (Go back HERE to refresh your memory if you need to) Do you want to replace a habit? […]
How to create new habits and get rid of the bad ones
Have you ever set a New Year’s resolution and failed? If you are like 90% of the people, you have. Isn’t it frustrating? New Year’s resolutions are all about building new habits, and new habits are hard. Habits are rituals and routines that we have often built up over many years, and all of a […]
My one keystone habit in 2015 that enables all the others
The year is still fresh, and so are our goals, plans and resolutions. Most of us have probably heard that plain New Year’s resolutions don’t work, but still we often make them because there is something so refreshing about starting a new year and filling it with aspirations and dreams that have been dormant in […]